It seems that Elder Graham is evolving.......
Elder Graham is evolving!
Elder Graham has evolved into............... a Senior Companion!
Whoa!! Whats this??
Not only that, but Elder Graham evolved into District Leader Elder Graham!
OK sorry for that. You guys probably don't get the joke because you never played Pokemon on my old game boy.
Anyway. So yeah I moved into the mountains of yuan lin. And yes I have my own district that has three companionships in it. Both of the other companionships are training right now and so we have to be really good! It's really scary because I went from a little Junior who didn't have any responsibility to a District Leader and now I have to watch over 5 other people and make sure they know what they are doing. But I don't even know what I'm doing! haha It is really kind of weird. Anyway.
I want to tell you guys about last week. It was soooooooooo good. OK I don't have my miracle book because I packed it. But basically we got to go out
Yesterday was probably the best day of my mission. OK so what happened is the sisters baptized 5 people and the elders from Nan zi baptized one. It was so good because Chen zheng gong is our recent convert and his daughter and his daughter's friend and his daughters friends daughter all got baptized because he has a testimony and he stopped smoking and started spending time with his family and stuff again instead of gambling with his friends. It is so good. And now his daugh
I am going to miss that place. I hope that someday we can all come back to Gaoxiong. I have lots of people who want me to write them letters. It is soooo good. So yeah. And the other cool thing is that Chen zheng gong got the priesthood last week so he did two of the baptisms. And our other recent convert chen zhong liang did some of them too. It was just really good. Awesome. All of our recent converts are doing awesome.
Yes kami they have donuts in Taiwan but they are just like fried bread with sugar on it. I'm getting much more comfortable
Oh yeah I just got a new companion and his name is Elder Galespie. I think that's how you spell it. I've only been with him for about an hour. He is really smart and I think his Chinese is better than mine. Our apartment only has one bathroom though... Ughh. But It is still pretty sweet. Right now I'm still just trying to figure out the area. He has been in this area for three move calls now.
I don't think there is anything I really need from home except for the prayers I know I already get.
Love Elder Graham
See ya in a year,
Elder Graham