Monday, April 9, 2012

April 1, 2012 - See you at the airport!

Well family,

Yes this is my last email. Next Monday I will definitely not have time. It might be a little short. Sorry in advance. Someone should tell Sarah that I'm sorry. She probably hasn't gotten any letters lately and probably won't until I get back. I wrote them and sent them! But some of them came back and they said I didn't put enough postage on them. Even though I went to the post office and had them weigh it and stuff. So that's my bad, but not really. She'll get them eventually.

OK there are just some little things that I need for when I get home. Like when I get home, I will only have one pair of garments, the ones I'm wearing. So yeah I'll need some of those, and just normal hygiene stuff. Toothpaste, toothbrush etc... And my warts have not fallen off yet, and I'm supposed to go see the doctor again on Thursday. So I get to watch general conference the Saturday and Sunday before I go home. So that should help me through personal revelation figure out what I want to do with my life.

Well I'm not sure what I want to talk on... Like I've learned a ton. I have two journals and two study journals full of all the stuff that I have learned. Like I would kinda like to talk about missionary work and all the miracles that can happen from that. Help the youngins have more of a desire to go on a mission. But I'm assuming I'll be asked to share with the youth or share in the mission prep class about that. And I could talk about anything, like any of the Christ-like attributes. or Setting goals and making plans. Or being a good example. Or true conversion. Or family history. Or the atonement.... or... ANYTHing. I'm not sure if there is one massive huge thing that I have learned. I have learned a lot ... a ton. Of a lot of different subjects. Over two years worth of studying for one hour by myself and one hour with my companion every single day. So yeah. Like you guys told me that they want me to pick a subject like two weeks ago. And I've been thinking about it and I still am not sure. Sorry.

Well. I'll see you guys on the other side. Sarah told me I might not get released until Wednesday night. What am I supposed to do all Wednesday? Go find the missionaries in K-town? haha. That would be kinda fun. I wonder what they do all day. hmmm,,, haha but yeah that would be not fun for Elder (soon to be Beau) Graham.

Something that has been kinda bothering me the last few days is during personal study a few days ago I was reading in Jacob and I read the scripture in chapter 6 verse 3: "And how blessed are they who have labored diligently in his vineyard..." Like, have I given my absolute 100% best? Have I completed what I was sent to complete? Will I be among the"blessed" as stated in the scripture? I'm sure lots of missionaries have wondered the things I am wondering.

Well I love you guys and I will see you at the airport on Tuesday the 10th. Just a friendly reminder. smiley face. I am sad to leave. I do enjoy it here. Oh well it is time to move on.

Love Elder Graham

March 25, 2012 - See you in 2 weeks!

Well hello family, the ones not in Hawaii,
Well this week was interesting, on Monday we went to the Zone activity and made some kind of Taiwanese food that is kinda like a Mexican taco. Kinda.

Tuesday we met with 3 investigators and had DTM, normal stuff.

Wednesday was just English class. We had 3 new people which is the highest this area has seen in over a year.
Thursday I had my warts frozen off. Ouch painfulllllllllness. And they aren't blistering as fast as last time. zao gao. Riding a bike when you have two warts on the inside of your palm is not fun. Then that night we tracted into a pretty cool family. (that was the first time I had ever been tracting ... ever) It was the first door that we knocked on. And the mom answered the door and said she was too busy but that we could talk to her sons. So we did, gave them a Book of Mormon and set up another time to meet because we had a branch meeting right then.

Friday we went with our branch president to the farther places in our area. We had a good three lessons with him.
Saturday was Saturday. nothing really happened.
Sunday we had 2 investigators at church. Then later we met with the two kids we tracted into. And their dad. Their dad is a RELIGIONS professor at a local college. Wow. and he spent 8 years in Philadelphia getting his PHD in religion studies. Which at first scared the poo out of me. But he ended up being really cool and really open and he said he would be happy if his two sons joined the church. He said they were old enough to start making their own decisions as far as religion goes. He was really interested to hear what we had to say. His main question was why would God restore his one and only true church on the American continent, not among the Jews. Like why not in Jerusalem. Or at least in the middle east where Gods chosen people are. He had some interesting views. But we had to hurry and finish that lesson because we were supposed to be teaching at a family home evening that had already started that was a half hour bike ride away. So I gave him a talk by Tad Callister from the last general conference on the Book of Mormon. So hopefully he will like that. Then I gave his kids all their own copy of For the Strength of the Youth - and he really liked that... but unfortunately I wont ever see them again. They are going on a trip to Europe for two weeks. When do I go home? two weeks. Then at the family home evening, I lost the game that they were playing so my companion told them that I should have to sing a song for loosing. So they all made me sing "I need thee every hour" in English.
So yeah that was my week.

I do miss America, but I will miss Taiwan. I can already feel myself missing it here.
Well that's all for today. Next time will be the last time you guys hear from me until the airport.

See ya in a couple weeks,


Elder Graham

March 18,2012 - My Miracle Story

Hello Family-

As you probably know, my two year mark has passed. Weird. On Saturday we went with that one dude who took us around in his car without knowing us at all ... remember him? yeah, well he took us out to an all you can eat hot pot. And I bought some Haagen dahz ice cream. yummy.

I want to tell you about my Miracle Story. It is that of a man named Chen Zheng Gong. When I first met him, his wife had been a member for a year and a half. She wanted us to teach him. When we first went over to his restaurant, he didn't seem comfortable with us there. He wouldn't let us pray, talk about the church or give him a Book of Mormon. We didn't visit him much after that. We would still pass by his restaurant and say hi once in a while, but that was it.
About one and a half move calls later, his wife called us right after a DTM. She was so excited.
"He wants a Book of Mormon!, he wants a Book of Mormon!"
That afternoon we went over and taught a really spiritual first lesson and gave him a Book of Mormon. He still wouldn't pray, but from that day on, he read a chapter a day out of the Book of Mormon. After about two weeks of teaching him, he finally prayed by himself for the first time. His wife cried. His simple heartfelt prayer was a big improvement. About a month later of meeting with us, he wanted to be baptized. But he still smoked, drank, gambled, and needed a second interview. After two weeks of not making any progress with his quit smoking plan, we felt like that for some reason we should put him in an interview. After the interview with the Zone leaders, he had enough faith to quit all of his bad habits. We aren't sure what changed in him, but he was determined to quit. To be baptized. Alcohol was easy... as was gambling. Smoking was harder. But a miracle happened. After ten days of struggling to quit, he was helping his mom move and some of the other people started smoking. He saw them smoking and smelled the cigarettes. He said it made him want to throw up. After that he stopped smoking 100%. Whenever he smelled smoke, he felt like he was going to throw up. When people would smoke around them, he would tell them to go away. His body couldn't handle it. Two weeks later he was baptized.
Because of the change that he made, his daughter, and his daughter's best friend, and her daughter were all baptized a month later. They saw the miracle that had happened in him and wanted to be as happy as he was and is.
Sometime after his baptism and before his daughter's baptism, he was once again helping his mother move. This time he found all of his family records for the last 900 years. All of the way past the very first Chen to ever come to Taiwan. For me it was wonderful to see a man with semi-anti feelings toward the church, turn into someone who is a strong member who has baptized his family. Immediate family as well as been baptized in the House of the Lord for his ancestors. He is taking the temple preparation classes, and will be sealed in the temple soon after I leave the island. It has made me happy to see the happiness that the gospel has brought to his family.
Love Elder Graham

See ya in a couple weeks,
Elder Graham

Sunday, April 8, 2012

March 11, 2012 - I don't know when I'm coming home!

Dear fam,

So I got an interesting email today check it out:

"Dear Sisters and Elders,
When you receive your returning packet letter, you will see that you have flight plans. I received information on Thursday evening that these were canceled and as of yet she has not been back to let me know when and what! So ignore your flight plans for now. I will send the new one with your “Leaving Itinerary Letter” in a couple of weeks. Please let your parents know on your p-day of the situation as they too received a travel itinerary. Travel now is becoming more difficult as they try to fill the planes to their limit. Never fear, we will get you home!!
Thanks for your hard work and great missionary service.
Sister Liston 劉姐妹"

Uh Oh! That's not good. So don't make any plans yet. They still don't know when I'm coming home! But most of the day emailing today I have to find pictures for them to make a going home video for all of us going home. So sorry about that.

So yesterday was pretty good. We had 4 investigators at church. And a big 39 people were at sacrament. Which in all reality isn't that much but in our small branch, its a lot. So that was good.
And this week with Lin Zan Dong he told us he believes in the atonement. I asked him if he believes Christ atoned for our sins, and he said "It doesn't matter what I believe, it really did happen." Meaning whether or not we believe it, the atonement of Jesus Christ happened. We still aren't sure why he doesn't want to be baptized. Sad face.

As for the people who came to church, two were formers, one comes every week but he won't quit smoking and drinking. And the other one was someone we met on the street two weeks ago, and he just randomly stumbled in. He has some mental problems and for some reason after church was over, he wouldn't leave. And even after his dad came to pick him up, he wouldn't leave. At first he wouldn't get out of his chair, then after he got out of his chair, he would walk to the door and just stop. Then he finally left but only because Elder Baxter told him to. He really likes Elder Baxter.

Well family, I'm sorry I don't have any new pictures.
But I need to go now.

See ya in a month or so..........................
Elder Graham

March 4, 2012

Well family this is Elder Graham,

Thank you for the letter with all the pictures. I finally got it. It took like a month. Oh well. It was good getting pictures. And Sarah sent me all the majors and minors at UVU. Small problem is that I don't see "Chinese" on there anywhere. So I also need a list of other classes that they offer. And there are so many things I want to major/minor in! poo. How to choose? And I'm guessing that I might have to take some other Chinese stuff somewhere else. Online?

Well Elder Graham only has five weeks left... sad face. But I do get to see you guys so its OK.
Well this past week was bad as far as numbers go. Hopefully this week we do a lot better on those things.

On Monday we went to an all you can eat "hot pot". It was pretty good. And a friend of mine from Yuan Lin came down and ate with us. And then we went to Jia Yi park to take pictures. Its a pretty cool looking park. Really big.

Tuesday the only thing that happened was DTM.

Wednesday was English class. And not a soul came.

Thursday we met with our favorite investigator Lin Zan Dong. He LOVES the Book of Mormon. Especially the Book of Alma. He is in Alma 18 right now. And he has been to church twice. Super smart guy. But for some reason he doesn't want to be baptized.

Friday was weekly planning. and then we went with our branch president to visit a bunch of people. He is really good.

Saturday we had a really good meeting with the branch leaders.

Sunday was depressing because we only had one investigator and NO recent converts. So that was sad. But then right before we were about to report our weekly numbers the Zone Leaders called us and told us that our investigator Lin zan dong went to church over in Jia Yi. So that was good that he went. Happy face.
So that was this week.

On another note. Don't buy elder graham a phone(unless you already have) or a computer or a car or anything like that. I'm hoping that I can get back on with Best Buy and get some money coming in. And get a discount on a phone and plan. The computer I am planning on getting so that I can do all the stuff I want to do for all my college classes is fairly expensive. ($1600-2000) And I kinda want to save up for that myself. Obviously help might be needed haha. And I might have to save up for a car first. ZAO GAO!

See ya in a couple months,
Elder Graham

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Feb 26, 2012

OK family, well I don't have a lot to write and from now on I probably might write less. Wow sorry my English isn't good.

Well last Saturday was move call day. But the zone leaders didn't get the move call fax until Sunday morning and my companion was freaking out because we were all like 99 % sure that he was moving. But he is staying with Elder Graham for at least another 3 weeks if not another 6 weeks. Sweet. But this is my 16th and final move call. Which is weird. Because now I am allowed to call all my recent converts. Whenever I want. And I need to start thinking about stuff for home. And I need to figure out if I can go to the temple with my recent converts in GaoXiong.

I'm still taking the meds but I still get headaches sometimes. I'm not sure why.
Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of my brain. sad face.
Mom just so you know, I'm not planning on taking any of my clothes that I brought on my mission home. Because they are all really gross by now.

Well the work here in the middle of nowhere is slow. however it is still fun.
Can't wait to see you guys. Sorry this was short. But elder Graham has to go.

Hope you like the pics of the "Rock-on" God and the Buddha Warrior!

See ya in a couple months,


Elder Graham

Feb 19,2012

Dear family,
Thanks for the package! its all gone now. And I feel fat. oh well Sarah said I can just lose it after I get home.
This week was ok. Sorry I don't have any pictures this week.
Well hows everybody doing? Sisi that's not fun that you were sick, but hopefully your knees are good to go now.
President said I should have a 6 month plan (at least) of what I am going to do. And I am probably going to work at best buy. But other than that, I don't know about anything else. I never really looked into schools before my mission. So I don't know on that. Except I know Weber doesn't have a Chinese program. So that's out. Also I heard that lots of the missionaries here are going to UVU. Because they have a Chinese program. But I don't anything about that school.
So I'm guessing you guys have heard of the "Linsanity" guy that everybody here has been talking about. So I guess his parents are Taiwanese and so its huge news here in Taiwan. Everybody tells us about it. One cool thing is that I have been to the super small village where his parents are from. They are from Zhang Hua, Bei Dou. Which is a really small "Township" that is in my area when I first went senior/ district leader. So that's pretty cool. But the thing that's weird, or at least to me, is that his name is林 Which is pronounced "leen" not "lin" so when people started saying "linsanity" to me I didn't understand. They had to write it down. So now a lot of people are asking me what "sanity" means. Uhhhh that's kinda hard to explain the play on words on that one.
So then on Thursday I had to go to the hospital again. There is nothing wrong with my brain that they can see. But I did get to see all the CT scan pictures. My brain is kinda weird looking. And I think my nose is bent. And my eyeballs looked way cool too. And now I'm on two daily medicines. Those are supposed to be "preventative" meds. But I'm only going to take them for 7 days. One of them I take before every meal. The other one I take before bed because its major side effect is extreme drowsiness. Then he gave me two more meds that are only for when the headaches come back. The first one is normal ibuprofen. I think.... And the other one is supposed to be super strong and you can't take it more than once every 3 days or else it could kill you/ mess you up real bad. So he only gave 2 of those pills. so yeah that was that.
Well that was Elder Graham's week. Sorry for the lack of pictures. my bad.
See ya in a few months,
Elder Graham

Feb 12, 2012 - Hospital again

Well I haven't gotten an email from the girls yet but thats ok. I'm sure they are having fun somewhere else haha
Well this week was power week... and what that means is that we don't get language study. Which means that we leave the door half an hour early. and at lunch we don't get language study. But that is ok.
Sooooo last week I told you guys about the massive headache right? Well what happens is that if i don't take the meds they gave me, the headache comes back. so that's not good. So on Thursday we went to the hospital at 9 in the morning. And we didn't leave until 1:30. super lame. They asked me if I had ever had a seizure before and obviouslyI said yes. So they made me do two tests. One was the CT scan and the other one they put this gel into my hair and hooked up all these electric wires up to my head. Then they checked my eyes for photo-sensitivity.
But the cool thing is is that the lady putting gel in my hair had interest in church. For some reason she was surprised that it was free... But anyway that was the only good thing that came from that. And while I was there the headache came back. Its weird. It's always in the same front right side of my head.
oh, one cool thing about it is that because I have the Taiwanese health insurance that everybody gets through the government, the whole thing, the ct scan, the electric cords with the gel in my hair test, and 7 days worth of meds cost about $340TB. Which is about $11.50 USD. yeah. Super cheap health care. And this week on thursday I find out the results of all the tests. And probably get more meds. sad face. So basically our "power week" was super lame week for this companionship. Some of the worst numbers I have ever had before. Except we did get 50% Recent Converts at Church. Which is really good. Last week we had 0%. So thats a good improvement. So we got a blender on tuesday from a companionship in XinYing because they had two. So Ive been making ICEE type things for the last few days out of all the stuff I can find I our fridge. So mostly chocolate and peanut butter smoothie type things.
Well what else happened this week?.... hmmmmm
Oh and pops do you know how to say Afghanistan in chinese? a1 fu4 han4 阿富汗.
Oh yeah and there is this recent convert that is so funny. She is 50ish years old and she was in the hospital on Saturday because when she was little she killed her kidneys from eating weight loss pills and she has to go every other day to filter her blood. Any way, we went to go visit her and she was so funny. She was on her schizophrenia medication and she told us she wants us to email home and see if we can find any 60-80 year old men that would be willing to be her boyfriend. She said he doesn't have to be rich, just have a good heart and she will cook for him every day. So yeah. She wants a white boyfriend. haha she is funny. And she shares the gospel with all the nurses that take care of her. So she is nice.
Well I think that that is it for this week. G2G bye bye

Feb 5, 2012 - Headache/ Hospital / Investigator

Well family this is Elder Graham, But that is Elder Baxter warming his hands!

So last Monday we went bowling with the rest of the district. As of right now we have the biggest district in the whole mission. five companionships. And I beat the zone leaders. Sweet. So that was Monday.

Tuesday.. oh yeah. we went on exchanges with the zone leaders which was good. We found some good people. We decided to drop our drunk investigator because he tries to hide from us now. So we don't visit him very much.

Wednesday was English class.

Thursday we went out to one of the father parts of our area. A place that no missionary had been on a bike before. Only when members took them there. And it took 55 minutes of straight biking as fast as we could to get back home. I almost died.

Friday I had a headache and we went with our branch president to visit some people.
Saturday I had a headache and we didn't teach any lessons. we spent the whole time finding people to teach.

Sunday was probably the most eventful Sunday I have had. So our only "good" investigator who in the past couldn't come to church, came for all three hours. Then when we went home to do our studies and the headache I had the past two days came back. And didn't go away. Like it was hurting super bad and I was sensitive to light. And I couldn't stand up or else I would get really dizzy. So I had my companion call Sister Bishop and she talked to president and they said I should go to the hospital. So we had our Branch President drive me to the hospital. The doctor made me take this IV thing in my hand for an hour and a half. Then he gave me caffeine pills and ibuprofen and some other stuff that I have to take for 3 days and if it is still there then there is a big problem. Then about half an hour after we got back from the hospital, our branch had an activity that we went to. And our awesome investigator showed up. Which was really fun.
deng yi xia

Sorry the pictures are big. These cool looking ones were taken on a members sweet camera.

Well you guys. after this I will only be emailing you guys 8 more times. And all my clothes and all my shoes and everything.. well, I will be leaving all that stuff here... if thats ok with you guys. Like they are thrashed.
See ya in a few months,

Elder Graham

Jan 29, 2012 - Chinese New Year

Well this is Elder Graham,

I don't really have any new pictures. So this past week was Chinese New Years. It was ok. Except for everyone that we talked to was not from here so we had to refer a ton of people. So we didn't have a lot of lessons. And not very many people came to church. Sad day. So yeah we ate at members houses most days because all the little shops that sell food on the road were all closed. So our choices were left to McDonald's or members houses. So we chose member houses.

Also we had zone conference which was fun. A 2 hour train ride to GaoXiong and a two hour ride back. And since we are way far away from the train station we had to wake up at 5. Then take a 45 min bus ride to the train station. So it was way fun to go back to my old area for a few hours. And see most of the missionaries from my MTC district. And its really weird. There isn't a zone conference next move call. Which means that the next time that I see those guys will be in TaiZhong. In our last hours of being missionaries. Right before we take a bus to the airport. Its super weird. I am so old. I am the oldest missionary in the whole zone.

As far as drunk homeless guy... we dropped him because he skipped out on church again, and he hides from us whenever we go over there. But we can see him in his "room" smoking. So we are going to leave him alone for a while. And Alex Chen doesn't ever have his phone on. But we are meeting with him on Wednesday.

Sorry I don't have any pictures. I sent them all last week. Today we are going into the city to go bowling. so that should Be fun.
Yeah I dont know what I would do without a car when I got home.
Will somebody tell Sarah to not send confetti bombs in the mail? It gets everywhere. haha
Well not much happened this week. All the post offices were closed this week so I didn't get any letters. :(

Love Elder Graham

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Jan 22, 2012

Well family this is Elder Graham,

Lately the weather has been on and off cold then really hot. Weird.. It doesn't rain a lot here during the winter.

So today we went to a "farm" but it was more of a zoo. With lots of cows and horses and other stuff like that. There were these bunnies. And a lot of them were pure white with blood red eyes. Scary. And we got to eat ostrich butt meat (that's the translation). So I hope you guys like those pictures.

Lately I have been studying out of Jesus the Christ by James E. Talmage (spelling?). way sweet book. As well as I started reading the Book of Mormon again. I finished it again last move call. But now I am going to read it in a new hardback copy that I bought.

As far as a six month plan, I'm pretty sure I'm just going to go back to Best Buy. Also you guys shouldn't buy me a phone because I can get a pretty good discount there.
And nobody told me the 4runner died. What are we going to do?
Sisi. I know. Psych is awesome.

Right now we are teaching a basically homeless man who is a drunkard. But the branch here is great. They always give him food. And we painted his "house" all white. It used to be stained black from all the incense that they used to burn in it. And the branch gave him a full suit. Shoes, socks, pants, shirt, and jacket. And a few weeks ago I gave him one of my older ties. So now when he comes to church, he looks legit.
And yesterday we had a sixteen chubby kid named Alex Chen come to church for the first time. We were not expecting him to come because when we talked to him two days ago, he made it sound like his parents wouldn't want him to go. But yesterday his dad dropped him off and he had a good time.

So yeah that's everything from Taiwan. G2G bye bye
Elder Graham

Jan 15, 2012

Well family, hello.

This is Elder Graham
Well today is move day. But I'm not moving. Sweet. And everyone thought that my companion would leave. I even wrote him a song because I thought he was leaving. But he didn't. Which I am glad about because I still don't know this place as well as I should.
ummm lets see.
On Wednesday instead of teaching English, this Taiwanese guy taught my companion Spanish while I played "watermelon chess". Its a pretty fun "brain game" and I totally won. And the guy I was playing against has been playing since he was a small child.
On Monday we went to some daoist temples. Kinda cool

OK so I asked my mission president if it was appropriate to think about what we are going to do when we get home. Because for the most part if you do that everyone says you are a "trunky monkey". But he said I should have a six month plan for after we get home. Any ideas?

Well the Chinese new year is coming up. Everyone gets super excited about it here. Most people get 9 days off from work. Everyone comes back to their hometowns to their oldest living relatives house and has a massive feast. But apparently all the shops will be closed during that time. So all the members are going to feed us. Which is scary. All of the guo nian food is... traditional Taiwanese food ... like fish eyes stuffed in pig brains cooked in cow testicles then barbecued on a fire made out of tires and with chicken heads put on top.

See ya in a few months,

桂長老桂俊杰 Elder Graham

Jan 8, 2012 - It's a small world & prison guy

Hello family, this is Elder Graham speaking.

So this week was good. Here are some pictures from the last two weeks. I should be getting my bible today! Super excited. English KJV and Chinese.
I'm glad you guys got the package. Aren't the chopsticks legit? They are kinda cheaply made but the case still looks awesome.

OK Story time. So I was on a bus on the way home from doing exchanges with the district leader, and two white ladys walk on. Which is weird because it is literally in the middle of nowhere. Then the bus driver wanted them to sign his bus. But they didn't speak Chinese so the bus driver called me from the back and told me to translate. so while they were signing the bus I asked them where they were from just making small talk and the older woman said she is from San Diego. Then the other, younger one said she is from the "bay area". And I was like "oh really? where at?" she said "do you happen to know a place called Benicia?" I almost pooped my pants. Ummm lets just say YES. I know Benicia. I said "Yes it just so happens that I spent quite a few years there growing up." Then (this is the weird/ cool part) she said "Wait, were you in the ward there? Did you know the Picketts? Jamie Pickett? Or did you know Saydie Panye?" I pooped my pants again. She told us that all of her good friends were all Mormon and that she used to go to all the young men young women activities. But she never joined the church. And now she is an English teacher up north near the air port. Then she continued to update me on all the people in California. It was just super "its a small world" feeling. Literally on opposite ends of the earth. CA and here. So yeah that was interesting. So that was my story for the day.
SO yeah that's kinda it.

Oh yeah one more story. So there was this investigator that we met with the same night as the above story, and he is a huge guy. And he has been wanting to be baptized for a while but he stopped coming to church because his brother got in a huge car accident and he had to look after his brother. And because of all the worrying for his brothers life, he started smoking again. But anyway, we met with him and we were trying to set a new baptismal goal with him. He wanted to do it that Saturday. I told him that that was too fast. and that he needs to quit smoking and start coming back to church. So I suggested 2 weeks later and he said no. Fine three weeks, he said no. 4 weeks. no. 5, 6, 7, 8, weeks. No. "Xie di xiong you just said you wanted to be baptized. Why can't you do it any of these days?"
"Because I have to go to prison next week." for the third time that day I pooped my pants. "wwhhhatttt?"
I thought that I just heard wrong and that because of my bad Chinese, I just heard the wrong word. So I looked up in the phone the characters that he said. and hou4 lai2 yes he was going to prison for 8 months. And nobody is allowed to visit him for the first 3 months of him being in there. So I may not ever see this man ever again. We still aren't sure what he did... All we know is that last time he had to go, it was because he cut off someones leg.

Love you guys,
Elder Graham

Jan 2, 2012 - Sweet Bibles, riding with strangers & trunky monkeys

Hello family,

This is Elder Graham. I am going to apologize right now. I left my camera in a member's car and I won't get it back until today, so no new pictures for you guys this week. Sad day.

But anyway, this week was good. Cold. But good. I got my birthday package, thank you! Garments are a missionaries best gift. Well not much is going on here. Still working with the branch to find some people to teach. I must say I love my companion because he is super... Innocent. Super funny. I laugh all the time. And super geeky like me. But he is more of a programming nerd. Anyway. Today we will be going to a Christian book store and buying some sweet bibles with both English and Chinese. So legit. That's my birthday present to myself. The word of God.

So I'm going to tell a story. Don't get mad, mom. OK so we went to one of the farthest parts of my area (a place my companion has never been to before) to visit a less active. And this place is sooo not the city. It doesn't even have road names. Like there are roads. But they aren't names. There are just villages. Which means that you just kinda get in the area, then you ask a local and hopefully they know who the person is that you are trying to find. So we go to the village and the first person that we meet speaks fluent Spanish because he lived in Argentina for ten years. Which was funny because he wanted to teach us Spanish. But anyway, he showed us to the less actives house and they weren't home. Then we showed him the address of the former investigator we were trying to find. he said it was really far away. So he gave us a ride. Yup I rode in a strangers car. but you can't be mad cuz its like the 5th time I've done that on my mission. The place really was super far away. And the former was actually home. And we needed him to help us translate from Taiwanese to Chinese (then he would use Spanish..). So it was all good. Then he bought us dong gua cha. yummy. Then he took us back to our bikes and we went back to the church to teach English.
OK that's the story for today.

Yes pops it has gone by way fast. I don't know what plans to make for 2012. I'm not supposed to really be thinking about home and getting trunky. I don't want to get trunky. trunky monkeys are always the sad missionaries.

That is not fun at all that there is no SNOW! zenme ban?

See ya in a few months,
Elder Graham

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Dec 25 - Christmas Day!

We already talked on the phone but here are some pics for your Christmas enjoyment:
Sweet views!!!

Me and my Baxter at the Tower of Asian Power

Me and Zheng pCCZhang Lao

The Pokemon Card Council.

I kissed a dragon and I liked it.

See ya in a few months,
Elder Graham

Dec 18, 2011 Christmas Week

OK hello family!

So this Sunday you guys will get a call from Taiwan. from Elder SpiderGraham! (see attached picture)

This week wasn't super special. But as a finding activity there is a cram school teacher who introduced us to about half of his students - and this morning we went to one of the kids marching band practices and met some more people there. Their marching band is the number 1 Jr. High marching band in all of Taiwan. Right in the middle of nowhere! So that was pretty fun.

So my area is huge. We can drive for 4 hours in a members car and still be in our area. So biking can get really boring. Like there are some places where I can stop and not see a soul. No buildings. Nothing. We stop at a red light and there is nobody else there. I have never had that before. And there aren't any sisters in my area. So like we teach girls and stuff. It's just way different here. They don't even have a ward. 35 people show up for church on any given Sunday. And a lot of them have to drive for almost an hour to get there.

Oh last night we went the Chen family's house. And you won't know who this is but I served with Sister Chen when I was in Gaoxiong. She was the one who baptized the super cute baby's mom. She is going to America about the same time Sarah is. She is going to BYU for a semester and to see her fiancée. That's kind of a long story but her future husband is an ABC and he came here to study and now he is in America again. And then they will come back here to be married. But anyway the point of that story is to tell you that the super cute baby will be in salt lake to see conference so you need to see that baby. Super cute. They are the ones that came and visited me. I haven't seen that super cute baby in like 6 months. She can run now... Oh well. they said that they will come to Utah when she is 8 so I can baptize her. And Sister Chen she might come up to Kaysville with her boyfriend and say hi to you guys. If she has time. So you might get a call from a 28 year old year girl with an Asian accent. Or she might have her boyfriend call for here. His English is perfect.

My companion is really funny. He makes me laugh all the time.

So I will talk to you guys next week! (for me, for you it is on Sunday) Oh yeah, I'll be calling at about 6 or 630 am here on Monday morning. Whenever that is for you..

Elder SpiderGraham
Elder Graham

Dec 12, 2011 - Hospital, Crazies & Peanuts Butter

Dear family,

Helloooo so yeah my new area.... Super... rice field-y. Taibao is super xiangxia.
So this week we... well it seemed like a lot of time was wasted. The only place where there are any people is a 20 minute bike ride away.. AND don't freak out mom.....
but I had to go to the hospital. I thought I had a sore throat but it lasted for forever and so I finally went to the massive hospital that is here. Guess what they found in my throat? an ulcer. I don't even know what that is... But its in there. And it kills. But I got some pain meds and this stuff that I have to put on the end of a q-tip and then I have to rub it all over the ulcer. It hurts all the time and sometimes keeps me up at night. It feels like when I had strep throat a few summers ago. But worse. Hurts to eat, drink, talk and breathe. Anyway. enough complaining from me.

So this week... We had a white guy come up to us and tell us that he wanted to share a message about Jehovah's Witness. But he was just kidding. He is an RM and he works as a baseball scout trying to find people who are way good at baseball. He said that there are actually a lot here in Taiwan.

Ummm lets see... Tuesday we didn't have our bikes so we just walked around everywhere.
Wednesday was English class. Two people showed up. And our "chapel" is a house. That is just rented out. We spent the entire three hours in the same room.

Saturday was the best day of the week by far. We had a good solid 7 lessons and most of the day was spent biking to far away places. 45 minute bike rides are not fun btw. Most of the lessons were with different "crazies". Like this one guy that we call the crazy sword guy, we invited him to be baptized and this was his response: "If I get baptized, will I get pregnant and then give birth to a baby boy?" No joke. This man is crazy. He may or may not need baptism. HE a MALE person thought that if he gets baptized, he will physically have the ability to have a baby. no crazy sword guy, no.
But that day was awesome for several reasons. Like I got the Christmas package! YAY for new not nasty garments! And my companion bought a giant thing (6.6 POUNDS) of peanuts butter(yes peanuts butter). He was so happy. Not a bad day at all.

Then on Sunday I got to see Sister Chen who was in my district when I served in Gaoxiong. And she lives here in the middle of nowhere! And she is going to the states sometime next week. Her English is way good. Then next year she is flying back and getting married to a guy named Thomas. Him and I are good friends cuz he is a super geek like me.

As of right now I am not district leader. Which is awesome. That would not be fun here in the countryside. My companion has been here for 2 move calls but this is his first area and he still doesn't know it very well. So we are learning together.

My companion's sister taught at Legacy Prep Academy last year so maybe someone knows her. Her name is Mrs. Harrison.

Tell Sarah I am super sorry. I have lots of letters that need to be sent but there literally nowhere to send them. I'm going to find a member to help me out. She is expecting to get home and have lots of letters.... but Elder Graham has not been able to find a way to do that. So tell her I am sorry. Also can you ask for Cam Thredgolds mission address? thanks.

Love, Elder Graham

Thursday, February 23, 2012

December 5, 2011 - Move toTaibao/Saying goodbye

Hello everybody this is Elder Graham!!!!!!

OK well guess what? Elder Graham moved. Again. To a place called Taibao. (jia yi xian) It is going to be so different. It is.... a bunch of rice fields. There is nobody here. We have to bike 2o minutes to get to where there are people to contact. It's only a branch. Its not even a ward. Which is fine. It will just be really weird. But the branch members are cool. My new companion is Elder Baxter. ------------>
It has been freezing cold here. But it should be warmer now that I am in the south a little bit. But the last few days have just been huge winds and freezing hands. Which is fine. Not as cold as last year.
Yesterday when I told everyone in the ward that I was moving, they were all sad. One of the recent converts Liu Zhen Jie, called me last night to tell me that I was a good missionary. Then he started crying. He said that I never gave up on him even when he was starting to fall away from the church and not wanting to read or pray. You would be surprised too. Because this is an 18 year old kid who works out a lot and is just a big muscular guy. With facial hair and everything. A big tough DUDE. But he was grateful for the love that I had showed for him. I won't forget that.

So moving is not fun. Staying up packing, waking up early to pack some more. taking a bus to the BOO(傳到部) for an hour. Waiting there. Then taking another bus to the train station. Then on that for about 2 hours. Then luckily a member was there to pick me and my new companion up from the train station. Not fun. I am way tired right now.

So I will be spending Christmas and my birthday in this new area. I have never served in an area that has been really.... not in the city. (whats the English word for xiang xia?) Like my new chapel is in a rented house. That has been converted into a chapel. The branch here has goals to become a ward in two years.

Sisi happy birthday and have fun at the Christmas dance. And guess what? My first date with Sarah was her asking me to the Christmas dance.
Sarah wants me to start sending letters to her house but I don't have that address............. I haven't sent letters to her there since the MTC. does somebody want to find out her address for me?

So yeah. that's me for this week. The picture is of Zhou jm who is of one of the best members I have seen ever... even in Utah. But she walks super slow cuz she is super preggo in the eggo. About to pop.

See ya in a few months,
Elder Graham

Thursday, January 19, 2012

November 27, 2011

Dear family,

So this past week was pretty good.
I got the package on Friday (the day after thanksgiving) so close! but that's OK. I gave the cookies to my comp. He said that they were way good.

Yesterday, Zeng di xiong went to church for the first time. Which is awesome. But the only problem is he lives in Xin Zhu. Which is up north. Not even in my mission. And that's where he goes to church when he doesn't have work. So when he gets baptized, he will be baptized in that area. I won't even be able to go to his baptism. But he is really excited to be baptized. His goal is for the 24th of December. He only has one possible thing preventing him from getting wet in the white clothing. And that is his wife. His wife fandui's him getting baptized. She is fine with him going to church and learning and reading and praying and doing everything. Except getting baptized. They have this idol in their house that is some kind of god that she worships and she doesn't want him to get baptized so that he can still worship the idol with her.
So that is that. We are meeting with him tomorrow.

On Friday the sisters have a baptism of 3. A single mom and two of her kids. I did their interviews. They are pretty good. And our recent convert Liu zhen jie will be doing the baptism.
The Li family already moved to taibei. sad face. But now they are close to the temple. And they call everyday to say hi. We may not ever see them again. We saw them for about three seconds before they rode their scooter all the 6 hours to taibei.

We didn't have any turkey. But we made some mashed potatoes. They were good. The garments a perfect.
Sisi is that Andy Clark's brother?
Tell pop's I don't need anything and I got him a Christmas present that we can share. It is funny. But it is all in bopomofo so he wont be able to read it. But he can learn.
Oh the only thing I think i might want is a picture of my baptism to show people

Love elder graham

This is me and yeh di xiong

November 20, 2011 - WofW testimony / Li family baptism!

OK so this week was pretty cool. To start off the week we had 4 first time sit downs. Pretty good for only 3 hours worth of proselyting. Then on Tuesday we sat down with a guy we met three months ago. And at first he could meet three times a week, but now he can only meet once a week. And so he has been making really slooowwwww progress. And the entire time, he has had Word of Wisdom issues (alcohol, smoking, coffee, and tea (the member shared WoW with him the first lesson)), and he tried giving back his Book of Mormon because he didn't think he could keep the Word of Wisdom. But on Tuesday when we met, he was so awesome. He reads about a chapter a day from the Book of Mormon, and prays several times a day. And on Tuesday we followed up on the word of wisdom stuff. He said he stopped drinking and smoking first. Then when he was at work he had enough energy to last throughout the day without coffee or tea. And then he shared his testimony of the WoW with us. He said that before when he was at work he would always be really tired and feel like he needs to sit down and take breaks. But now he has enough energy to be standing up and walking around all day long. And he also told us that he is starting to tell all of his co-workers about the Church and the WoW. So that is Zeng di xiong. He said he would love to be baptized (when before that was out of the question), the only problem is for the next month, he has to work on Sundays. OK so that was on Tuesday. Wednesday was just Wednesday.
On Thursday we sat down with a guy whom we contacted about two and a half months ago. He had read through chapter 14 in first Nephi and an entire liahona and had lots of questions. We only meet with him a few times a month, but he keeps his reading up which is really important.
Friday was... weekly planning sesh.
Saturday was crazy. First, right out the door, we went to the church for the wards Missionary day activity. At this point the Li family was already at the church good to go for their baptism. Us missionaries did some funny skits and some instruction. Then 12 was lunch of some kind of seaweed soup stuff. Then we went outside in the rain and did missionary work with the members for 4 hours! Then we came back to the church all wet for a testimony meeting and then dinner. Which was sooooo good. A lady named Pong jie mei who lived in England for a while made american style pasta. It was soooooooo000oo000ooo good. I had three massive plates of it. And she made a ton. There was a whole pot of leftovers. Then Wu di xiong finally showed up for his baptismal interview (45 min late). Then the Li family's baptism started. Then right before they were about to go into the water, Wu di xiong passed his interview and I had to help him fill it all out. Then the Zone leaders left without signing it. So it was crazy and then they had to come back all the while the Li family's baptism is going on. In the end it all worked out. Except the guy who passed his interview didn't come to church and hasn't answered his phone....
There is no such thing as thanksgiving here. I didn't get the package yet. And I don't think I need anything else. Gotta go. A member is taking us to a steak house. yummy
Love Elda gwaaaammmm

November 13, 2011 - Li family / Haagen-Dazs!

Hello family,
The season is changing here in Taiwan as well. It has gotten really cold the last few days and was nonstop rain for 4 days straight.
The Li family. Holy cow. It has been a roller coaster with them this week. The wife has always wanted to be baptized. And so does the husband, but he wants to move to Taibei, and she doesn't. They are on the verge of getting divorced. He wants to go to Taibei because his dad has cancer and has to go to the hospital. And at the hospitals here ... someone has to stay with you at all times to take care of you. Anyway. She doesn't want to go because if they go then she has to live with her sister, and sleep on the floor. But anyway, they figured that all out and are doing good now. On Saturday they passed their baptismal interview. Their baptism is set for the 19th. Right after the ward's "missionary day". What a perfect ending!
Elder Gong is an ABC which means he is "American Born Chinese".
Yes I got the deodorant, thank you. And old spice is wayyyy better than axe. And I gave the candy to my companion. But the peanuts were way good.
And some people here have added me on facebook and have been complaining that whomever is controlling my fb is not adding them. Haha so yeah.
We also have another investigator named Wu di xiong. He gets what is going on but he is just super shy.
I'm not sure if you guys have ever had Haagen dazs ice cream but it is literally the best ice cream ever. No matter what flavor you get. At the place that we went to, it was ALL YOU CAN EAT. But if you want to take some home with you, it is 100元 (which is around 3 USD) for ONE scoop. One scoop. 3 dollars. Crazy. But it is sooooo good.
So yeah that's kinda it. I don't really need or want anything else. All is well.

Love the Graham boy

桂長老桂俊杰Elder Graham

November 6, 2011 - Rudi got baptized

Hello family,
So this week we had a mission conference with Elder Gong. He is ABC. And his wife is American. Anyway, it was a really good conference. I learned a lot.
I have sent the picture of Rudi before, but I found out that he got baptized after I left. So I am sending it again.

We were supposed to go to the temple this week but it ended up not happening. We will go next move call. If I am still here in the north...
I do get headaches sometimes. But I still have plenty of medicine from when I first went into the MTC.
I think you guys will be getting a letter in the mail saying something to the effect of "your missionary only has a few months left... encourage him/her to keep doing their best... what airport do you want him/her to fly into" etc. I heard that those get sent out on my 13th move call.
Kami. Guess what. In Taiwan there is a building that is 101 (taibei) stories high. And another one that is 85 (gaoxiong). Just so you know.

So this week... The Li family didn't answer their phone for a few days. Which scared me. But then on Thursday they finally answered. They weren't answering because li jiemei was in the hospital for some kind of surgery. And li di xiong was working extra hours. But they are doing fine now. Unfortunately we had to push back their goal because we still have a lot of things to teach them even though they have been to church plenty of times. They are really excited for their baptism on the 19th. On that day, our ward is having "missionary day" and them being baptized is a perfect ending to a day of being a member missionary. So that should be a good experience for the Li family, us and the ward!

We have another investigator that is kinda... different. Like he can read and comprehend everything we teach and he keeps all of his commitments. But I can't tell if he has a really really really bad social disorder, or if it is a mental problem. I really want to help him. So we will keep meeting with him and helping him come unto Christ. If it comes to the point of him wanting to be baptized then we might have to get him into a second interview.

I didn't get the deodorant yet... And I don't think I need anything else. And I don't really need anything for Christmas either. Just save the money for when I get home.

Oh yeah. And today we are going to a place that is all you can eat. for 12 bucks. Its really nice. It has all you can eat Haggen daz ice cream. I don't know how to spell that. But it is the very best ice cream in the world. It has all the meats and sea food and drinks and anything else you could want. Soooooo gooooood

THE Elder Graham

October 30, 2011

Well family hello!

This week was good.
Right now we have a few progressing investigators. The Li3 couple is doing good. The only problem is that they don't have any time to meet and they haven't heard all of the lessons. But they are extremely willing and cannot wait to be baptized. Their goal is for the 12th of November. They are really funny/odd couple. Sister Li likes to hug and kiss all the things that we give her. And she is super short and speaks with a really high pitched voice. But that's OK. We are all Gods children.

The other one is a man who we contacted about 2 months ago on Elder Ipsen's fourth day on island. At the time he spent most of his time in miao li. Which is in the Taibei mission. So we referred him to the missionaries there. Then one day last week I got a call from Elder Gilespie (my old companion in yuan lin who is also training) and he said that the miao li elders had re-referred Brother Zeng to him and that he actually lives in my area and he has a meeting set up for that night! It was pretty cool. Our awesome peike committed him to meet with us three times a week. So right now we are focusing on "revelation through prayer" "revelation through the Book of Mormon" and "revelation through church attendance" And that has been going good so far.
OK I'm sorry that is all I have to report on right now.

I hope you guys enjoy the pictures.

Yummy fish heads and

Cow hearts I think!

See ya in a year,


Elder Graham

October 23, 2011 - 5 new investigators!

Well this week was a lot better. Our finding went pretty good I think. We got 5 new investigators (people who we sat down with for the first time, shared a full first lesson and set up another time) and they are all pretty solid. Now we just have to start working with the ward to get them in the water. Last night we met with one of the recent converts here in dong hai. He told us he doesn't have a testimony of the Book of Mormon and he said its hard being the only member in his family and at school. And that he is kinda debating not coming to church anymore. Then this morning I was reading in 3rd Nephi verse 33 "Enter ye in at the strait gate; for strait is the gate, and narrow is way that leads to life, and few there be that find it; but wide is the gate, and broad the way which leads to death, and many there be that travel therein, until the night cometh, wherein no man can work."
I thought it was an appropriate scripture. Last night he said he really wanted to know. And he is willing to read and pray until he gets an answer. So I really hope that helps him.

We also had a couple come to church yesterday, the Lee family. After church we sat down with them and had a great lesson with a great member. They are kinda poor, and they said they might be moving soon if Li di xiong gets fired from his job. But they said that if they don't have to move, they want to be baptized. So we gave them a baptismal goal for the 12th of next month.

Way to go dad for beating the pastor at Foosball.
Seeing the pictures of dad was funny. He has a grey beard.
I would sent you guys a picture that I took this morning of the view from out apartment but my card reader isn't working so I need to go buy a new one soon.

Well that's all I have for today, This elder has to go!
Elder Graham

October 16, 2011

Weelllllll family hello,

Today we don't have a lot of time because li mama is taking us out to eat with a white guy who served here like 8 years ago. He brought his pregnant wife. She is pretty preggo.
We haven't been able to teach the 86 year old yet. Which is sad but we are going to teach him the plan of salvation and baptize him before he dies. He is super old.

Dad told me all about his experience at the hospital. Ewww....

We have tried our best to meet with the 11 year old kid. But he lives on the mountain (30-40 minute bike ride away. Up hill). So that isn't fun. And we don't want to go up there unless he confirms ... and its really hard to get a hold of him. He doesn't have a cell phone or a home phone. His drunkard dad is the only one with a phone.

I already bought a study notebook. The only thing I think I need is deodorant. There aren't a lot of kinds here. Anything good is super expensive... And I already have a jacket from last winter.

So this week we have been in finding mode. We have been talking to everybody and everything we see. We have seen a few blessings from that. We are now teaching a couple that should be getting baptized in the next few weeks.
But we are starting to work better with the ward which is really good.

Anyway. Sorry for the lack of pictures, we haven't been doing anything cool the last few preparation days.

Elder Graham has g2g
See ya in a year,
Elder Graham

October 9, 2011 - Conference & meeting some really cool people

Dear family and anybody else that listens,

So I finally figured out my battery problem, it wasn't charging properly.
Conference was way good. We got to watch the whole thing this time! The only problem is that I filled up my Gospel Study Journal that mom got me before I left on my mission. sad face. But I will buy another one today. So yeah it was pretty good.

Yesterday we went with the bishop and the first counselor to a really old member's house and she is like in her 80's and she wanted us to give her non-member husband a blessing. He is 86. He is 大陸人. Mainland Chinese. Super old. But he is sick and needed a blessing. Afterwords the first counselor asked him if he wanted to hear the gospel. He said yes. So our newest investigator is 86 years old and doesn't speak Taiwanese. Sweet. I've always wanted to baptize somebody that old. But the only problem is his body is so frail and small. We would need AT LEAST 3 people in the water with him to baptize him. But the bishop said that would be OK. Sweet

It isn't as cold anymore, but all the members say that it will get really cold and extremely windy in like 3 weeks.

So this week we met some really cool people. Including an 11 year old kid who knows members and went to the zoo with our stake a few weeks ago. What happened is we went to visit a less active/ part member family. And they weren't there even after calling before hand and asking if we could come over. On the way out of the neighborhood a super drunk guy yelled "HEEELLLLLOOOOOOO!!!" And I'm not way into talking to drunk people but my companion was like, "lets go talk to that guy!". Of course I didn't want to, but the guy was really nice even though he was WASTED. And his drunk wife was really nice too. They belong to "The True Jesus Church" "真耶穌教會". But they were very welcoming and they said that their son had gone to the zoo with some of the members of our church. We talked to the kid and he is very interested because he has a friend already in the church. I distracted the drunk family and kept them busy talking about how in America we only eat hamburgers. (and how my companion had cheese on his burgers and that is why he is so much taller than me). While I was having this ridiculous conversation, my companion was having a good conversation about the Book of Mormon with the 11 year old kid. We gave him a book of Mormon and prayed with him. I learned my lesson about talking to EVERYBODY. Even if they are drunk and chewing bin lang and smoking. They might have a kid that is golden. I am very glad that my companion had the feeling and the guts to go talk to the drunk family.

Well Elder Graham has to go now.

See ya in a year,


Elder Graham

Letters to Home

Letters from Elder Graham to Home.