So this week was pretty good. We had two people pass baptismal interviews. We should be having at least one baptism a week for the next three weeks. Sweet. This Sunday a son of a lady who is also getting baptized who is thirteen is planning on getting baptized. Then the 5th of March a part member father (陳) who is on a quit smoking program right now will get baptized. He has changed soooo much. The first time we met with him he wouldn't let us pray and he wouldn't accept the Book of Mormon we tried to give him. He wants to go to the temple now. Sweet. And then we have a super golden guy who wants to be baptized as soon as possible. But he has only been to church once... so far.
Anyway. The way you get 31 new investigators in one day is you go around adding people all day long. Crazy sauce.
Outback Burger Day!
It’s time for Monday miracle madness!!!!!!!
Monday: I had an awesome two hour nap.
Tuesday: We had an awesome lesson with Sun Dx. Chen set a baptismal date. He has improved so much.
Wednesday: We had the same amount of lessons taught with a member as we did normal lessons.
Thursday: Sun is still awesome. Chen is good and has his interview tomorrow! We had 10 total lessons today. Sweet.
Friday: I got to go on exchanges with Elder Durham. Who is my MTC companion’s trainer.
Saturday: Lai didi passed his interview. Chen di xiong (Brother Chen) is on a quit smoking program and is set for his baptism on the fifth.
Sunday: We went over to our new member's (陳忠liang2) house and had an awesome lesson on the family and the temple etc... We also met his really nice and really Asian wife. I hope she gets baptized and then the whole family can go to the temple.
Yay for Monday madness!!! And now I will type out the thing I've been working on during personal study. Sorry if there are any errors or grammar mess-ups....
As members, but especially as missionaries, everything we do should b
My old mission president, President Hoer promised us that we would have the spirit and thus be successful is we are Worthy, Obedient, and Diligent.
Just like commandments, being worthy does not mean simply not doing bad things. Being worthy to receive spiritual guidance also has some other requirements. Let’s start with the basics: The first one is "pray with faith" (see page 93 in preach my gospel). Nephi also tells us that we must "pray always" and pray for guidance ( 2 Nephi 32: 8-9) Also see chapter 8 of the Gospel Principles book.
In Mosiah 18:23,25 we are commanded to go to church. The Sunday block of meetings is a great place to receive personal revelation or an answer to a prayer.
Personal and family scripture study. Personal study is my favorite time of the day. As we read the scriptures we are filled with the Spirit. (1 Nephi 1:12, 2 Nephi 32: 3, 5)
To obey God is a commandment. There are wayyyy to many scriptures to back this up. But one reference I will make is in chapter five of Preach My Gospel. The first sentence on page 108 tells us that the Book of Mormon helps us understand that "commandments are not a restrictive list of do's and don'ts but guideposts to a happy abundant life." Missionaries have a lot more rules that members have. That is because we bear the name of Jesus Christ on our name tags. Sometimes I think that obedience as a member is just as important. Other people are watching their example as well. They make a difference in other people's lives.
Ok that’s all I have so far. Elder Graham has to go now.
Elder Graham
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