So this week was pretty good.
We went to see monkeys today... again.. haha
I have to go kinda fast. we have an hour and my computer keeps shutting down.....
This week was pretty good because we were plentifully blessed with investigators. At the beginning of sacrament meeting we only had three investigators. But then a couple who just got married came. It was cool because they also brought his dad, his mom, his sister, and his sister's kids. So we had a really big family at church and the ward had a record number of people in sacrament meeting. 101 people. When I first got here is was average like 75 or 80. But slowly we started working with less actives who are slowly coming back to church. It was really cool. And the bishop during priesthood stood up and made an announcement. He said that lately there have been more investigators at church (which is true, the missionaries here usually got 1 at most) so he made this big announcement like if you see someone that you don't know to go up to them and say hi and welcome them and ask them if they have met with missionaries yet. haha He is a really good bishop. He has only been a member for 6 years but he knows how to run the show. And he helps us teach as well. He loves to give out baptismal goals as well.
Yummy street food breakfast! ---->
See ya in a year,
Elder Graham
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