But anyway. It looks like you guys had lots of fun.
Kami. you will never be a woman. Sorry. You will just be my sister.
Sisi. You don't like boys yet. And don't mention food. I'm soooo hungry. But guess what? I am going to an all you can eat place with all you can eat Hagen daz Ice cream. It is sooooooooo good. yay.
OK so this week was pretty good. Nothing huge happened. Rudi has been watching over his grandma while she is in the hospital. Hospitals are different here. Like you have to do everything yourself. You even have to bring your own toilet paper. Soooo he may or may not be getting baptized on Saturday. I'm not going to lie to you guys. I haven't been tracting in my whole mission. Maybe like 3 times for about 5 minutes every time. Its way more boring than talking to people on the street.
Am I surprised about everything that I have learned on my mission. Hmm. Some people will turn their backs on God. Even after spiritual confirmations of truth. People will let other things get in the way of things that will effect eternity. Things that don't matter.
So I just barely emailed on Wednesday and I don't have any new pictures. Sorry.
This week we hit most of our weekly goals. We had a good four investigators at church. This is the last week of the move call. I hope I don't go trainer......... I also don't want to move. But I have been here for three move calls and my time might be up.
Anyway. I'm sorry this was short again. I will talk to you guys again next week.!
Elder Graham
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