Yeah sorry our whole zone went to cao tun to play frisbee and football. I was the only one who didn't bring a change of clothes. So i played in my proselyting clothes. so after getting all sweaty, we went and ate an all you can eat bar b q. It was really good, but as always, too expensive. 400NT.
So yeah. Anyway. So this past week... Well our investigator Rudi failed his baptismal interview. He isn't willing to stop drinking tea, or pay tithing after he is baptized.
But there was an investigator he2 di xiong. He was our investigator but then we found out that he lives in the other elders area. He is getting baptized on Saturday. He asked me to baptize him. Sweet. we are trying to find him some girls to date because he is 43 and doesn't have any family. His parents ditched him when he was 13. And he is taking the eternal marriage class that is every Wednesday at the church. And there are plenty of older women in both wards who aren't married. Sooo hopefully we can set something up.
Hmm lets see.
Pops the translator that I have can let you do that, but I think you can find programs like that on itunes for my ipod touch, or something like that.
When I talk to people on the street, I call them a 帥哥 and then I talk to them about their families. Like it says in Preach my Gospel. Sometimes I ask them a question of the soul like 你相信神的存在嗎? But then they say yes, but they are talking about idols and stuff. But sometimes we just ask them questions like 你覺得人生的目的是什麼? Man it is a million times harder to type in Chinese. Especially cuz they don't use pin yin here. They use ㄅㄆ
Well I hope you guys are doing good. Its really hot here too. Even in air conditioned places it is really really hot and I just sweat all the time. I drink lots of water.
Oh yeah. Happy fourth of July. That's today for me. Nobody here even knows about it.
OK well I have to go now. You guys have a good week.
Elder Graham
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